What I'll miss..

Counting the days till I finally leave this place. Yeah, I've many bitter sweet memories here, in fact I have a love-hate relationship with this place that's been a 'home' for me for the past 7 years. Now only do I know, there'll be so much that I'll miss..

Friday, June 16, 2006

.. my weekly nasik lemak kuning!

I love my weekly nasik lemak kuning with budak kecik!

I first ate the nasik with kak Shima and kak Tuty but after that, I never found anyone who'd go eat the nasik lemak with me. Then one day, Sha wanted to go eat there so me and Pojie went with her. It was almost love at first sight for budak kecik and after that he went there frequently. Sometimes it would be 2-3 days straight.. buh dadah ke ape ntah hehe..

However, on my part, I have never missed going for breakfast with him over there every Friday.. well, except one week mase merajuk ngan die haha.. but that was a long time ago, die pun tension apentah mase tu and he was going home pun that week so he didn't come to school that morning.

But after that, I don't think I've ever missed it.. eh jap, except another week where die plak majuk with me.. but then dia tak jadi majuk haha.. but thats another story.. hehe, comel je! So we went to McD :) But the other weeks, except the time he had his Cricket Tournament, I've never missed it.

Not that its extra delicious or something. But I like the piping hot nasik lemak with the just-fried eggs and hot sambal, and its at this time where we can talk about most things.. ngate orang len ke haha.. Yup, its one thing I always look forward to every week!

Ishh.. am I gonna miss this too?!? :(


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