What I'll miss..

Counting the days till I finally leave this place. Yeah, I've many bitter sweet memories here, in fact I have a love-hate relationship with this place that's been a 'home' for me for the past 7 years. Now only do I know, there'll be so much that I'll miss..

Saturday, June 17, 2006

'Nasik beriyani kuah sotong + telur sotong'


This is my favourite dish at A Rahman's, whenever I get the chance to go there. Truthfully, I seldom go there but when I do (for lunch je la), I'll always eat this yummy dish!

Today I had it for my brunch, after getting back from Kim Khoon. I went with budak kecik coz he wanted to service his car and since both of us woke up late ("Kite pegi kul 9.30 ye!".. Ceh, bgn pun dekat kul 10 heheh..) we didn't grab any breakfast as we wanted to beat the queue over there. Luckily, there weren't many cars there.

so when it was ready, we wanted to go get some breakfast. However, the nasik lemak kuning shop was closed but since we were hungry, budak kecik suggested we go to A Rahman's. And thus.. my nasik beriayni kuah sotong plus telur sotong!!!


Hope that wherever I'm gonna be after this, they'd still have the dish as great as this :)


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