What I'll miss..

Counting the days till I finally leave this place. Yeah, I've many bitter sweet memories here, in fact I have a love-hate relationship with this place that's been a 'home' for me for the past 7 years. Now only do I know, there'll be so much that I'll miss..

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

..enjoying movies with friends!

Yup.. this is one of my favourite pastimes here.. watching movies! Hehe.. any kinda movie would do :)

Like a few days ago, I went and sneaked out with budak kecik to Megamall to watch to movie Superman. Hahah.. it doesn't quite matter if the movie was good (which is wasn't really!) or not, I still love going to the movies. My past 'movie gangs' were from two different groups. One group consisted of my exhousemates, kak Shima and kak Kathy as well as Kak Yun, Kak Zura and kak Zai, while the other gang was a bit larger with Alem, Lily, Juty, Mozac, Pojie, Yun, Sahar, Spy bla.. bla.. and the list goes on.. Can't really remember all of their names though as the group cahnges everytime hahah.. We once even booked an entire row at the cinema when we went watching Mr and Mrs Smith :)

I missed the second group when those juniors finished their degree and I now miss the first group as kak Kathy has gotten herself married, and kak Shima now works in Intel. But thank God for good ol' Pojie whose still here so I usually go with this lil' brother of mine here..

But it seems like I'm gonna miss our much smaller group in the near future too.. Well, better watch as much movies as possible before I go, eh?

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

..going to Parit Buntar's Pizza Hut with friends!

This is me, Cik Wa and kak Wahid.. some of close friends during my undergraduate years. I just chose this picture as its the most recent one took in Parit Buntar Pizza Hut.

Anyway, when we first came here, Parit Buntar only had KFC so if we wanted any other kind of fast food, the choices were limited to Megamal Pinang or Taiping. However, recent developments have made it possible to have a Pizz a Hut (and Watsons) in Parit Buntar, much to the suprise of the student from my batch who once said, "Lagi 10 tahun la baru ada Pizza kat sana tu!"

Whaddya know.. we already have one now :)

Well, I've been frequenting this place with Ramlah or Pojie or Yun and its quite a good change when you wanna eat pseudo-Italian food haha..

Guess I'm gonna miss this too..

Saturday, July 01, 2006

..desa Lembaran!

Haha.. apa la, Ayu.. Desa Lembaran pun nak rindu ke?

Uishhh.. mesti!!! 3 tahun duk situuuu..

Truth is, I don't have any idea on WHAT to write today (kunun I'm gonna write one thing a day kaaaannn) but this morning I went to help kak Yun for the first years registration at Desa Lembaran. Made me remember my own registration 7 years ago (Alamak! Terase sangat tue..)

I stayed in this hostel during my first year in Tronoh (blok 3A) and final year (SH02) here (2nd year duk Taman Maju). Then during my in-between degrees period (haha.. degree dah abis, masters lum daftar), I stayed here (SH01) another year. This is also the place that holds a lot of memories for me. sometimes, when I come here, my eyes still look at a certain window of a certain room..
