What I'll miss..

Counting the days till I finally leave this place. Yeah, I've many bitter sweet memories here, in fact I have a love-hate relationship with this place that's been a 'home' for me for the past 7 years. Now only do I know, there'll be so much that I'll miss..

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

..the cube I frequented one upon a time ago!

Reading the post on Yun yesterday, I thought of writing about her cube for today's entry.

Haha, I know, some people might wonder, whats so special about the workstation of someone else? But for me, there are a few cubicles in this room that are my favourites.. and this is one of them.

Why do I love this cube?

Well, once upon a time ago, whenever I was upset, I'd come to this cube and take a pen and paper, then write down about what was on my mind. I've always suck at expressing my feelings through talking but Yun understood that I could write it down to feel better so she always had a pen and paper handy. Then, after I've written it all down, she'd keep the 'letter' I've written.

I've cried in this cube, shouted with joy in this cube.. In fact, nearly everything I share with Yun has this cubicle as the witness.. and now that Yun isn't sitting here anymore, it feels so empty.. :(

Haha.. another thing you might wonder is WHY did I only take a picture of the name in front of the cube? Well, lets just say, my messy cube is somehow much more neater than the state of this cube right now :D


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