What I'll miss..

Counting the days till I finally leave this place. Yeah, I've many bitter sweet memories here, in fact I have a love-hate relationship with this place that's been a 'home' for me for the past 7 years. Now only do I know, there'll be so much that I'll miss..

Friday, June 23, 2006

..my Lil' Success!

Sape pulak my Lil' Success ni ye?

Hmm.. lets just say, he's the last of my adikĀ² here.. and in a way, I feel as if he's the closest adik I have here. Though I just really got to know him for only a bit more than a year, compared to the others whom I've been close to for the past 3 years, I DO feel as if I'm closest to him when compared to the others. Maybe its because we're in the same school kot ye, budak kecik?

Why would I miss him? Well, if God gave me yet another brother, I'd want it to be him. He's been a great brother, a good listener (or reader-- dia je paham haha..), a terrific entertainer, a smile-maker when I don't feel like I can.. and he makes me feel like a real sister here! I like it when he shows that he trusts me on some of his issues and I'm happy when he talks about things with me.. well, I'm always worried that people don't think they can talk to me, you know!

He's one of those people I trust from the beginning.. kind'a the likes of Toroque and Yokies (unlike IM whom I had to know dulu, baru really trust!). In fact, on one of our earliest conversation, I told him of a dream I once had of becoming a ****** and I suprised myself when I told him about what I had already done for that dream of mine. I've only trusted 2 people with this secret: the first one is him, the second one is Ana, Adi's girlfriend! Even my family doesn't know about it.. :)

And yeah, he's my teacher in some things haha.. a good tutor tuuuuuu.. and his cube is one of my favourite places to go whenever I feel sick of my own cube and my own work..

Dah la dia ni balik umah ari nih.. Ishh.. Betul la budak kecik.. I'll be missing you! :(


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